This particular Blog is all about being green, and no I am not not talking about Green Lantern, I am talking about recycling. Bitrate Computer Services is 100% Green. We recycle ALL broken computer parts to our local Recycling Depot. Any and all cardboard and plastics are also recycled. This may sound trivial to some but we deliver no less than a pickup truck load of Recycling ever month....That is A LOT of garbage not going to the landfill.
There are many toxins in computers that can leach into the many you ask? here is a short list of some of them:
- Barium (CRT): Intestinal illness, muscular weakness
- Beryllium (electronics): Can damge bones, cause cancer
- Cadmium (batteries and circuit boards): Kidney, liver, bone, and blood damage
- Hexavalent chromium (steel): liver, kidney, nerve tissues
- Lead(CRT, circuit boards): Vascular and kidney disease, brain disorders in young children
- Mercury(LCD, flat panel displays, batteries): kidney damage
- Phosphorus (CRT): skin, eye, and stomach irritation
- Brominated flame retardants (plastics, cables, CRTs): endocrine disruptor, neurotoxin
- Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs)
- Toner (Laser printers, fax machines) Lung irritant and possible carcinogen
Well that is Blog 100, have a great long weekend and remember ...Always Recycle !!!
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