Steve Duckett

Steve Duckett

Friday, August 20, 2010


Computer compatibility is something most of us take for granted until of course something decides not to work with your particular computer or operating system. Case in point, the other day a client brings in a computer for some simple maintenance, as usual i take the side off blow out debris and reset the components...standard practice for Bitrate Computers. I look in the computer and see a bundle of wires rolled up neatly and tied up. This makes me go hmmmmm. Upon examination of the wires it turns out they are the audio wires for the front of the computer. I look in the front and don't see any audio inputs, again hmmmm. What i do see is a 1" by 1" sticker indicating the company that put the computer together for the client, on a hunch i carefully pull back the sticker and low and behold, the missing inputs. The tower and the motherboard weren't compatible so the motherboard did not have the proper connections for the tower so the company hid the inputs with their sticker...amazing eh?

When it comes to compatibility you really have to do your homework sometimes or you will end up with something you can't use to its fullest capacity or not at all.

My son saved up his money...he's 8... and wanted to get a video game...goes to Walmart gets the game comes home and finds out it is not compatible with his operating system..of course Walmart will not refund software so my poor son was out 20 bucks (ok i gave him the money myself, but that's not the point)

Check, check and triple check...compatibility and you won't be disappointed


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